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The Best Glamping Sites to Visit to See the Northern Lights

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to travel to Norway or Iceland to witness the northern lights, as there are plenty of remote locations across the UK ideal for aurora chasing. The spect...

The Benefits of Playing Outdoors for Children

“In almost every house we've been, We've watched them gaping at the screen. They loll and slop and lounge about, And stare until their eyes pop out.” - Roald Dahl, Television   Do you struggle to...

4 Common Camping Fails & How To Avoid Them

If you’re relatively new to camping, you’re bound to experience some trial and error - even if you read a bunch of articles like this one! That being said, we thought that today, we could take a look ...

Glamping Guide - Types of Glamping Accommodation

Looking to go glamping for the first time? Glamping - or luxury camping - makes for a great staycation. It combines the adventures of camping and outdoor living with many of the creature comforts you’...

Camping for Beginners - The Pros & Cons of Camping

Are you thinking about trying out camping for the first time? You likely have many questions and some worries, which we always try our best to answer in these blog posts. Today, we thought we’d take a...

4 Great Fitness Holiday Ideas for Glamping Fans

Staying active on holiday may seem like a dream come true for some and an ordeal for others. However, we all know how beneficial physical activity of any kind is to our health and wellbeing. Trying ou...

Why Go Glamping in the South West - Your Tour Itinerary

South West England offers a varied and beautiful setting for staycations of all kinds, from tranquil country walks to exploring seaside towns to trying out some adrenaline-boosting sports. Whatever yo...

Wigwam Holidays Celebrates Fireworks Night in 2021

Fireworks Night is a night rich in history. In 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with thirty-six barrels of gunpowder and ever since, we’ve been happily celebrating the fact t...

Happy International Coffee Day

When you’re on holiday in the outdoors, it can be hard to pack in all the sights and activities you came for. If you want to pet a lamb, go hill-walking, and play at the beach all in one day, you may ...

National Wildlife Day 2021

The UK is teeming with wildlife. Around every bend, there’s something new to discover. The joy of camping really is in the proximity to nature. In our daily lives, it can be hard to come across any wi...