Contacting your Wigwam Site
Select a site to view contact details
Primary Telephone:
Alternative Telephone:
Please do not contact the main Wigwam Holidays phone number for a specific site enquiry. This line is to be used for anyone looking to start their own site, thanks.
If your enquiry is about booking a holiday at a specific site or you have questions about a particular site then please contact that site directly.

General Wigwam Holidays Information:
For all other general enquiries about Wigwam Holidays and how to start a site please go to the start a site section of our website contact us via the details below:
Email: hello@wigwamholidays.com
Head Office Address:
Wigwam Holidays
PO BOX 28610
Business to business enquiries only - please do not phone this number for any booking enquiries.
Tel: 0131 450 7126, 9am - 5pm